Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Wednesday, March 7, 2018

It has been an interesting, and very busy day.  Spending a lot of time monitoring the weather in the New England area. Lots of time on the computer researching the route and potential places to stop, trouble spots, etc. Google and Google Maps is invaluable!!!  How did we ever get along without them??!!!??  My truck was due for service so I had that done while I was here. Also did four loads of laundry.  Had to let my escort car go because he is not certified in New York.  Talked to the guy at the job site that is getting the thing, reordered permits, talked to my new pilot escort cars. Will need two when I get to NY.  One will meet me in the morning and we will move closer to New York.  Want to be close enough so that we will have no trouble making the 10 am crossing of the Newburgh / Beacon Bridge Friday morning. Just hope I can find a place to park.  Connecticut is going to be the "problem child".  They have the tightest weather restrictions of anyone, anywhere and can't run on the weekends.  Will have to get through there on Friday.  Wish me luck!!

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