Friday, March 9, 2018

Friday, March 9, 2018

Left the TA truck stop this morning and crossed the Newburgh / Beacon Bridge with no difficulties.  Continued on all the way through Connecticut without any problems either.  Made it all the way to the job site where I am to deliver the thing. That's where the fun began!!  Here is the Google Maps view of where I was going:

I was to come down the exit ramp from the Interstate and turn right on Victory Road and pull over.  They were going to come out and meet me there.  Looks good from this view.  BUT it doesn't look like that anymore.  When I got to the intersection I found out that there wasn't enough room for me to make a right (or left) turn.  There is a telephone pole right on the corner on the right and a street sign on the left.  I attempted it anyway just to prove that it couldn't be done. 

If you look real close by the guard rail you can see where my left front tire sunk in the dirt (mud) as I tried to round the corner.  Below is a closer view of it.

I backed out and back onto the exit ramp, off to the side so traffic could get by while one of my escorts directed traffic.  Went in and met with the guy I had been communicating with on the way up.  We discussed the situation and then walked through where I was going to have to go tomorrow to unload.  It aint gonna be easy!!  The only way I was going to get off the road tonight was to have the driver of the trailer in front of me to come back and relocate his trailer.  They called him.  He was at the closest truck stop about 2 hours away. He came.  They had to move a bunch of cars then move some other things with a wheel loader.  Here is what it looked like in front of me.

Here is a closer view.

When the other driver arrived he moved the trailer and I went in and dropped my trailer where his was for the night.  See that opening in the fence next to the port-a-potty?  That's where I have to go in tomorrow and it only gets worse from there!!  Gonna be an interesting day!!  I didn't want to drive for 2 hours to get to a truck stop so I got a hotel room a few blocks from the job site.  They want me back there about 9 am tomorrow.  Stay tuned!!  It's gonna be a fun morning!!!

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