Saturday, March 10, 2018

Saturday, March 10, 2018

Checked out of the hotel this morning and was back at the job site at 8:30.  Sat there all morning while they made room for me and while the big crane went to the site and set up.  They were not finished until about 1 pm.  They also brought a smaller crane over to the parking lot near me.  They took the other truck in to unload him.  He barely made it in.  Then they brought me in next to the smaller crane and there I sat.

They took the thing off my trailer and sat it on the ground while I got out of the way. Then the other truck came back and they put it on his trailer and he took it back into the site.  I didn't get empty until 4:30 this afternoon.  I left my trailer there and went back to the hotel for the night.

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