Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Well, there were no loads anywhere near me so I decided to take a load in Georgia.  Just before I left I got a better load in Florida.  So I left for Florida.  Everything was just fine until I got to the Mississippi / Alabama state line on US-98.  The truck just stopped running.  Gave no indication of anything wrong, it just stopped.  Could not start it again.  So I was towed in to the Kenworth shop in Mobile, Alabama.  After dropping the truck, the wrecker driver took me to my hotel.  Needless to say, I lost the load.

I can never check into a hotel without issues, never.  Today was no exception.  Got my room and went in.  The air conditioning did not work.  Went back to the front desk and got another room.  Got in that room and there was no remote for the TV.  I went back to the front desk and got a remote.  Went back to the room and that remote didn't work.  Went back to the front desk and got another one.  She said call me if this one doesn't work.  I went back to the room and surprise surprise, it didn't work either.  Picked up the phone to call the front desk and the "0" button on the phone didn't work!!!  Went back to the front desk and she said that she would find one for me and bring it to me.  I then waked about a quarter mile to get a pizza and then back to the room.  Ate dinner and still no remote.  Went back to the front desk.  She apologized because she forgot.  I went back to the room.  It took her two more attempts to get a remote that worked.  FINALLY!!!!!  But it didn't have a battery cover.  Had to tape it to keep the batteries from falling out.  There were other issues too, but what I just told you about was enough.

Kenworth is open until 10 pm local time tonight.  I hope that they will call me with good news like it was a simple broken wire or something.  Silly me, I know that won't happen.

Monday, October 24, 2016

First thing this morning went the 4 miles down the road and delivered the wheel loader.  Had a problem with the truck engine so from there I went to the Kenworth shop to address the problem.  Found a little corrosion here. Took care of that.  Hope it solves the problem.

Didn't have another load yet so I went back to the Petro truck stop to wait.