Saturday, January 13, 2024

Saturday, January 13, 2024

The local news said that the crash that for hours shut down both north and southbound bound lanes of I-57 in Ina, Illinois yesterday was caused by two cars and a semi-truck colliding and catching fire.  There were injuries, but according to the newscast, no fatalities.  At 9 PM last night, the northbound side was open but the southbound side was still closed.

 I left a half hour before sunrise this morning. That mess had been cleaned up and I didn't see any signs of it.  It was windy with blowing snow today.  Blue skies above.  Roads were pretty good until the northern part of Illinois.  North of Bloomington The crosswind was very, very strong.  Lots of blowing snow from west to east.  Between I-80 and I-88 on I-57, the road was very icy to go along with the severe crosswinds and blowing snow.  There were wrecks everywhere!!  Made it through there and continued on the the Caterpillar dealer in Milwaukee where I'll deliver Monday morning.  They are still plowing the parking lot here.  Hard to tell exactly how much snow is on the ground here, but it is at least a foot.

Friday, January 12, 2024

Friday, January 12, 2024

 I left a half hour after sunrise this morning.  Heavy wind to start the day.  Didn't start raining hard until I got to Tennessee.  Then it rained hard all the way through.  Surprisingly, I didn't have any traffic issues all day, not even through Nashville. Made it all the way up into Illinois.  Then I had to stop earlier than I wanted to because it looked like I-57 was shut down in Ina, Illinois.  Have no idea why, but I didn't want to get stuck in that,

I stopped for the night at the  Love's truck stop in Marion, Illinois.

Thursday, January 11, 2024

Thursday, January 11, 2024

 I was a little later getting back to work because of a battle with the flu.  I'm over it now and back at it again.

This morning I drove up to Pooler, Georgia, and loaded a Caterpillar 950GC Wheel Loader that is going up to Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

I left there in pretty good time.  Had about 5 miles of bumper-to-bumper traffic just north of Atlanta but that was all.  Made it a lot farther than I thought I would today.  Stopped for the night at the TA truck stop in Cartersville, Georgia.