Saturday, November 5, 2022

Saturday, November 5, 2022

 I left Carlisle, Pennsylvania at about 4:30 AM EDT when my 10 hours were up.  Excellent day on the road today.  Rained most of the day too.  Nothing exciting or interesting.  I ran out of hours so I stopped for the rest of the weekend at the Pilot truck stop in Rising Fawn, Georgia. Yes, that really is a town name.  664 miles today.  It was nice to see the GATORS get a win for a nice change!!

Friday, November 4, 2022

Friday, November 4, 2022

 Left the TA in Erie, PA at sunrise this morning.  Drove the rest of the way to Lockport, New York.  Mostly back roads today with a lot of small towns and stoplights!!    Delivered the excavator.  My next load was waiting for me at the Daily yard in Carlisle, PA.  I drove down there and loaded a Volvo L60H Wheel Loader that is going to Montgomery, Alabama.

After I finished I stayed there for the night.  I'll hit the road when my 10 hours are up.  I'm tired and my back really needs a rest.  Good night.

Thursday, November 3, 2022

Thursday, November 3, 2022

 Left real early this morning.  Had to get through Lexington, KY, and the Kentucky side of Cincinnati before 7 AM EDT to beat the curfew.  Otherwise, I would have had to wait until 9 AM EDT to get through.  BUT I couldn't go into Ohio before a half-hour before sunrise. Just across the river at the State line, there was a parking area for oversized loads.  

I got there at about 6 AM.  Sunrise was at 8:07 AM. I sat there and took a nap until it was time to go again.  Drove the rest of the day, 584 miles, to the TA truck stop in Erie, Pennsylvania.  I'll be here until sunrise tomorrow morning.

Wednesday, November 2, 2022

Wednesday, November 2, 2022

 Went the rest of the way to Peachtree City and got there just before they opened.  Once the opened I loaded a Sany SY215 Excavator that is going up to Lockport, New York.  That is right next to Buffalo.  While loading the Blue Angels were doing some training flights from the airport that is right next to where I was.  When they were coming in to land they were just over the top of the building.  I could see every detail on the bottom of the aircraft.  It was really cool. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to get any photos of that.

Going around Atlanta a "Queen of the Sky", Korean Air 747, was coming in for a landing at the Atlanta Hartsfield International Airport, the world's busiest airport.  They are being passed out so seeing one in flight is becoming a rare sighting. 

It is still a beautiful airplane.  Then I got stuck in 5 miles of bumper-to-bumper traffic.  Once I got past that I continued on to the TA truck stop in Pioneer, Tennessee where I'll get some sleep.  Good night.

Tuesday, November 1, 2022

Tuesday, November 1, 2022

 A half-hour after sunrise this morning I left and drove the rest of the way to Garden City, GA.  When I got there they didn't have a booking number and had to email someone to get it.  So I waited.  Then it was lunchtime so I had to wait until 1 PM when they returned.  Finally unloaded the motorgrader.  My next load is in Peachtree City, GA.  I started off that way but only got as far as where I started from this morning, the TA truck stop in Jackson, GA.  

Monday, October 31, 2022

Monday, October 31, 2022


Left at sunrise this morning.  Good day on the road.  Only problems were on the south side of Atlanta.  A bit of slow-n'-go traffic.  Didn't get as far as I wanted to today.  Stopped for the night at the TA truck stop in Jackson, Georgia.

Sunday, October 30, 2022

Sunday, October 30, 2022

 Went to North Little Rock, Arkansas this morning to load at 7 AM CDT.  Loaded a Caterpillar 14 Motorgrader that is going to Garden City, Georgia.  Eventually, it will end up in Viet Nam. 

Left there and went to a scale.  I was fine on the weight but I didn't like how it road so I moved it back a little.  Road much better after that.  Couldn't go into Mississippi or Alabama on Sunday, so I stopped for the rest of the day at the Petro truck stop in West Memphis, AR.  I'll start at sunrise in the morning.