Saturday, October 15, 2011

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Washed the truck this morning then went to Shady Grove, PA to a huge place that makes/builds all types of cranes.  I was there with four other trucks picking up parts of a crane going to Port Arthur, Texas.  We didn't get all the parts of the crane, there had to be a lot more trucks picking up sections of this crane.  It is a big one!  Here is what I got:

You wouldn't know that they are crane parts if I didn't tell you. Got on the road and headed toward Texas. Got to Knoxville, TN just as the LSU at Tennessee game was letting out.  Bumper to bumper traffic with a whole lot of depressed Tennessee fans. Stopped for the night at the Petro truck stop west of Knoxville just in time to see the Gator game.

Friday, October 14, 2011

Friday, October 14, 2011

The crane unloaded the last piece from my trailer first thing this morning.  It was done in less than 10 minutes.  Then off to Shady Grove, PA for my next load.  While on the way they called and said that they were backed up and couldn't load me until tomorrow.  I stopped at the TA truck stop in Greencastle, PA for the rest of the day.  It is about one mile from where I get loaded tomorrow.  Made for a very short day today.  Really didn't mind 'cus it was still raining and I had a pretty bad headache.  Hope it is gone soon.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Went into Manassas, VA to the delivery location.  They unloaded the smaller stuff.  The crane came in this afternoon and got set up for tomorrows unloading.  The other two trucks arrived with the big stuff.  I'll get unloaded first in the morning. Hope the rain stops by then.  Then off to Pennsylvania for my next load.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

The rain that Florida had has moved up the east coast.  I left this morning in the rain and didn't drive out of it.  Rained all day.  Tried to get some photos of the fall colors as I went through the West Virginia mountains.  Here are a few.

Since I have not put a video in here in a long time, here is a short (not very exciting) video of the fall colors in rainy West Virginia. 

Sorry that the photos aren't better but "Mother Nature" didn't cooperate very much today.

Stopped for the night at the Wilco Hess truck stop in Tom's Brook, Virginia.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Tuesday October 11, 2011

Drove into Edelstein, IL this morning and picked up the last two pieces of this load.

Somewhere between Minonk (where I slept last night) and Edelstein I got a flat tire on the trailer. Right front inside tire.

I drove to the Daily Express terminal in Morton, IL ( that's just west of Peoria, IL) because I wasn't too far from there.  Called the shop and they sent a guy over to change both tires.

Now I have two new trailer tires!!

After that two hour delay I got back on the road.  Really enjoying the fall tree colors.  Drove to Hebron, Ohio (just east of Columbus) to the TA truck stop for the night.

Monday, October 10, 2011

Monday, October 10, 2011

This morning went into Darien, WI to a place that makes HUGE Caterpillar generators.  There are two other trucks transporting the really big stuff that is going where I'm going.  I'm bringing the smaller stuff.  Got my stuff loaded after they loaded one of the other trucks. 

From here I have to go down to Edelstein, Illinois to pick up some more stuff for this load.  I get that in the morning.  Drove to a truck stop in Minonk, IL for the night.