Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Tuesday, June 27, 2017

As soon as my ten hours was up I hit the road.  Drove home to Jacksonville, FL.  Will be here until next week sometime.

Monday, June 26, 2017

Monday, June 26, 2017

Well, today didn't go as planned.  Didn't get confirmation of my second escort car until 9 am.  That's when we left for Portsmouth.  When we got to the tunnel we stopped at the inspection area.  When going through the tunnel all oversize loads must stop for inspection.  Once that is complete, they close off the highway and send us thru along with a highway department truck.  We have the tunnel all to ourselves.  Once through, the highway truck radios back and they open the road again.  He peels off and we continue.  At the Portsmouth exit we picked up our other escort car.  She took the lead to the Port.  Of course I arrived at the Port at lunch time, so I sat and waited.  It was a huge cluster, well, you know.  To make a long story short I didn't get out of there until 3:15.  I drove to the Petro in Kenly, North Carolina for the night.  I'm beat!!  Shower, dinner, and sleep!!!