Saturday, November 12, 2011

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Left Pittsboro, IN this morning and had a nice leisurely drive to Springfield, Illinois to spend the rest of the weekend at the Pilot truck stop.  The weather is georgous!   Deliver first thing Monday morning.

Friday, November 11, 2011

Friday, November 11, 2011

Left Hagerstown, MD as soon as the sun came up.  In the mountains along I-68 in western Maryland had my first taste of snow this winter.  Started off as flurries but got heavier.  Only about 1/4 inch, but none to speak of on the roads.   Briefly the road had a dusting on it, but no big deal.

I drove out of it in West Virginia.  Later on it cleared up nicely and ended up being a beautiful day.  Drove to Pittsboro, Indiana (just west of Indianapolis) to the Love's truck stop for the night.  Tomorrow will be a short day.  I should get to see some football.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Went into the Port of Baltimore this morning.  I had to unload it myself then take it to a parking area.  After that my next load was from the same place, just a different area.  This was a new Caterpillar D6N Dozer and blade going to Springfield, Illinois. I had to load the dozer myself.  It took me a little bit to figure that one out.  Brought it over from it's parking stall, up the ramp, and onto the trailer. Chained it down and waited for the blade.  Of course by now it was lunch time.  Had to wait an hour for them to finish lunch.  Union shop.  That says all you need to know!!  They finally brought the blade and put it up on the trailer.  I tied it down and was finally on the road.

Went straight back to the TA truck stop, fueled, and scaled.  Everything was fine.  Drove to the Pilot truck stop in Hagerstown, Maryland for the night because I ran out of daylight.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Left the Pilot in Greenfield, IN early this morning in the rain.  It rained hard most of the morning.  Other than that, a nice day on the road.  Stopped for the night at the TA truck stop in Baltimore, MD.  Deliver this in the morning at the port.  It is going on a big boat to South America.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

The crane arrived early this morning.  That was a good thing.  Since I was the first to arrive, I was the first to unload.  Drove around the new Federal Court House to deliver.  Here are some photos of the delivery.

As you are looking at these photos, think about this.... I had to back in off the road from the blind side.  The blind side is the passenger side.  When the trailer starts to turn you can't see the back of the trailer anymore.  Can't see anything at all.  Had to back up a slight muddy incline in the rain.  On the passenger's side of the trailer was the hole that the "box" was going to be set in.  On the driver's side of the trailer there was a small drop off.  AND the load was wider than the trailer so I couldn't see anything behind me except a black box.  Now that you have that in your mind, let me add one more thing.....the back of the trailer had to go in between the outriggers of the crane.  OK, who is ready to give that a try??

When I finished there I drove over to Dubuque, IA for my next load.  Picked up a John Deere bull dozer.  It is going to the port in Dundalk, Maryland - that's next to Baltimore.

Once that was tied down I got on the road and drove to Greenfield, Indiana, just east of Indianapolis to the Pilot truck stop for the night.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Monday, November 7, 2011

Left this morning in the rain.  Rained for a few hours then I drove out of it.  Stopped along the way and had my front shocks replaced.  Then drove in to Cedar Rapids, Iowa to a staging area. Getting unloaded tomorrow morning when the crane gets here.  There are several more trucks arriving with two more vaults and other trucks with the lids for them.  Hopefully it wont take too long tomorrow morning.  I'll spend the night here.