Saturday, February 5, 2022

Saturday, February 5, 2022

 Left this morning and wasn't on the road a half hour before I was in bumper-to-bumper traffic.  A 2 1/2 mile back-up from a wreck and construction.  Three lanes down to one. Took about a half-hour to get through that.  From there on it was pretty much smooth sailing the rest of the day.  I stopped a little early tonight because there was another traffic back-up about 20 miles ahead.  I'll wait until tomorrow to go through there.  Should be all better by then.  Stopped at the Flying J truck stop in Gulfport, Mississippi.

Friday, February 4, 2022

Friday, February 4, 2022

 This morning I loaded, in the rain, a John Deere 210 Excavator that is going to Houston, Texas.

Left there and drove to the TA truck stop in Commerce, Georgia for the night.  There is a Longhorn Steakhouse across the street from here.  I ate so much that I hurt!!  Feels good though.  I'll get started again tomorrow morning a half-hour after sunrise.

Thursday, February 3, 2022

Thursday, February 3, 2022

Rained all day.  The crane was supposed to be here at 7 AM.  They didn't show up until after 9.  

It took a while for them to set up.  While they were setting up a problem was noticed.

They ordered a dump truck of stone to be delivered to fill the new mud hole that developed when the crane went in.

Then the building came in.

He did a great job.  Then backed in over the hump and it made it without getting stuck.

They unwrapped it and lifted it off.

This is how far his trailer was stretched.

Then the bathrooms came in.

After they were lifted off it was my turn.

I was finally empty and leaving there after 2 PM.  I load tomorrow in Kernersville, North Carolina.  I drove down there.  Spent the night at the John Deere / Hitachi plant in Kernersville. There are 2 trucks ahead of me in the morning.

Wednesday, February 2, 2022

Wednesday, February 2, 2022

 I left the yard in Jacksonville at 12:30 this morning.  Drove straight through to Zion Crossroads, Virginia. 646 miles. I have the air conditioning units for a new Checkers restaurant.  The three sections of buildings are also coming.  Two of the three are already here.  We are at a truck stop on the opposite side of I-64 from the job site.  The crane is not due here until tomorrow.   Here is an overview of where we are going.

Here is where we are parked in relation to the job site...

What is going to be interesting is the main building (on another truck) is 16 feet wide and is stretched to 90 feet long.  PLUS there is a slight hump in the road leading up to the job site.  Just enough to bottom out the trailer.  Tomorrow will be interesting.

Tuesday, February 1, 2022

Tuesday, February 1, 2022

 My next load arrived here at the Daily yard this afternoon on another truck. I used a telehandler to unload the other truck and load my truck with two air conditioner units and a small pallet of parts.  They are going to Zion Crossroads, Virginia.

I will leave here around midnight.