Saturday, November 24, 2012

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Yesterday I rented a tiny econo-box car and drove around this area.

Went to Hershey Park.   Walked around a bit but didn't go in the park.  Didn't want to spend the money, so I did the free stuff and left.

Did some more riding around.  Last night a cold front came through and with it some very light rain and a lot of wind.  This morning still cold, windy, clearing, and just a few snow flurries.  Good sleepin' weather!!  BUT now it's football time!!  The last day of the College regular season.  Can't believe how fast it went!!  After today, all that's left are the bowl games.

What a great way to end the season!!!!!  Great job!!!!!

(4) Florida 37

(11-1, 7-1 SEC)

(10) Florida St 26

(10-2, 7-1 ACC)

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Didn't have to pick up the big excavator from the port this morning, it was already at the Daily yard in Baltimore.  So I picked up another small excavator and took it to the Daily yard in Carlisle, PA.

When I got empty I went a couple miles down the road to the Petro truck stop where I'll be until Monday.  HAPPY HAPPY, JOY JOY!!

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

I got lucky!!   At the Port of Baltimore in Dundalk, MD I picked up a small Hitachi 135 Excavator.  Took it up to the Daily Express yard in Carlisle, PA.   Then went back to Baltimore, MD.  Tomorrow I am going to the Port again and picking up a large excavator and taking it to the Daily Express yard in Baltimore.  Leaving it there.  Then back to the Port and picking up another small excavator going to Carlisle, PA again.

Monday, November 19, 2012

Monday, November 19, 2012

Nothing.  There is nothing moving before Thanksgiving.  There are a lot of empty flat bed and RGN ("low boy") trailers in here.  It is going to be very difficult getting anything before next Monday.  Sure hope I get lucky!!  Only time will tell.  Stay tuned.