Saturday, June 18, 2016

Saturday, June 18, 2016

Left this morning at sunrise and after a good nights sleep.  Pretty uneventful day until the last part of Louisiana on I-20. There was a crash which caused a long back up. About 2 miles past that another huge back up.  Traffic was at a complete stop. A thunderstorm went through about 4 miles ahead and blew several trees across the Interstate.  Sat there for about a half hour while crews cleared the road. After I got past that there was construction 4 miles past that.  Down to one lane and more bumper to bumper traffic!!  Finally made it out of Louisiana!!  Stopped for the night, when I ran out of hours, at a truck stop in Willis Point, Texas.  I can drive in Texas on Sunday, so I will.  Want to get past Dallas - Fort Worth area on Sunday.  Hopefully the traffic won't be as bad.

Friday, June 17, 2016

Friday, June 17, 2016

Another very warm night.  Didn't sleep well again.  Yuck!!!

This morning loaded a GE Wind Energy Hub that is going out to Garden City, Kansas.  This one is one of their bigger ones.  My gross weight is about 116,000 pounds (52,616.7 kg).

After that was loaded I drove to the Cummins shop in Mobile, Alabama and got my generator fixed.  I'll be able to sleep tonight!!!!!!!!  Because we didn't know how long I was going to be getting repaired, didn't start my Mississippi permit until tomorrow.  About a mile from Cummins was a Love's Truck Stop and that is where I went to spend the night.

Thursday, June 16, 2016

Thursday, June 16, 2016

Well...I knew things were going a little to smooth.  Then....

At about 11 pm last night my generator quit.  So, I had to run the truck all night.  Had very little air conditioning.  Didn't sleep very well.  

This morning I delivered the excavator. Then tried to get the generator fixed.  Cummins in Atlanta was booked until next week.  He suggested that I have it serviced - oil, oil filter, fuel filter, and air filter changed. Sometimes that resolves the problem. He checked the Montgomery, Alabama Cummins for me.  They were also booked through next week too.  

My next load is down in Pensacola, Florida. I headed that way.  I stopped at the TA truck stop in Montgomery, Alabama and had the generator serviced.  No change.  Still not running right and shuts itself off.  I talked to the Cummins shop in Mobile, Alabama.  They said that they could see me after lunch tomorrow.  GREAT!!  I continued on down to the GE Wind Energy plant in Pensacola, checked in and will spend another miserable night in my truck in the truck staging area there.  I'm number 2 in line to load in the morning.  Fortunately I'm routed right past the Cummins shop in Mobile.  Sure hope they can fix it tomorrow.

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Delivered the grader first thing this morning.  Next load was in Savannah, Georgia.  Drove down there and loaded a Sany 235C Excavator that is going to Peachtree City, Georgia.

Left there and drove to the TA truck stop in Jackson, GA for the night.  Will deliver in the morning.

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Finally got another load.  At about noon went over to the Port of Jacksonville and loaded a Caterpillar 120M Motor Grader that is going up to Florence, South Carolina. I love driving these things!!

Left there and got started north.  Very shortly after I got into Georgia the rains came.  It rained heavy with thunder and lightening almost the whole way north through Georgia. South Carolina was sunny.  Stopped for the night at the Petro truck stop in Florence, SC.  Deliver almost across the street from here in the morning.