Saturday, June 18, 2016

Saturday, June 18, 2016

Left this morning at sunrise and after a good nights sleep.  Pretty uneventful day until the last part of Louisiana on I-20. There was a crash which caused a long back up. About 2 miles past that another huge back up.  Traffic was at a complete stop. A thunderstorm went through about 4 miles ahead and blew several trees across the Interstate.  Sat there for about a half hour while crews cleared the road. After I got past that there was construction 4 miles past that.  Down to one lane and more bumper to bumper traffic!!  Finally made it out of Louisiana!!  Stopped for the night, when I ran out of hours, at a truck stop in Willis Point, Texas.  I can drive in Texas on Sunday, so I will.  Want to get past Dallas - Fort Worth area on Sunday.  Hopefully the traffic won't be as bad.

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