Thursday, June 16, 2016

Thursday, June 16, 2016

Well...I knew things were going a little to smooth.  Then....

At about 11 pm last night my generator quit.  So, I had to run the truck all night.  Had very little air conditioning.  Didn't sleep very well.  

This morning I delivered the excavator. Then tried to get the generator fixed.  Cummins in Atlanta was booked until next week.  He suggested that I have it serviced - oil, oil filter, fuel filter, and air filter changed. Sometimes that resolves the problem. He checked the Montgomery, Alabama Cummins for me.  They were also booked through next week too.  

My next load is down in Pensacola, Florida. I headed that way.  I stopped at the TA truck stop in Montgomery, Alabama and had the generator serviced.  No change.  Still not running right and shuts itself off.  I talked to the Cummins shop in Mobile, Alabama.  They said that they could see me after lunch tomorrow.  GREAT!!  I continued on down to the GE Wind Energy plant in Pensacola, checked in and will spend another miserable night in my truck in the truck staging area there.  I'm number 2 in line to load in the morning.  Fortunately I'm routed right past the Cummins shop in Mobile.  Sure hope they can fix it tomorrow.

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