Saturday, December 17, 2016

Saturday, December 17, 2016

This morning I drove the rest of the way into Dallas, TX.  The truck stop that I wanted to stay at did not have any food so I opted for a different one.  I'm at the TA truck stop on the south side of Dallas for the weekend.

Friday, December 16, 2016

Friday, December 16, 2016

Left around 3 am local time this morning.  Wanted to get ahead of the coming weather.  Expecting VERY strong wind conditions today.  The later in the day, the worse it was going to get.  There were already "Wind Advisories" on the overhead message boards on the Interstate.  Also messages stating that empty or light weight CMVs (Commercial Motor Vehicles) were not allowed to be on the highway.  I went anyway.  South of Pueblo it was a steady 30 to 45 mile per hour cross wind.  In a few places the gusts were as high as 60 MPH.  I really felt the wind.  By the time I got to New Mexico it was not as bad.  Still had strong wind the rest of the day, just not as bad as it was.  Decided that I didn't want to deal with Friday evening rush hour traffic in Dallas so I stopped for the night at a small truck stop in Alvord, Texas.  

Thursday, December 15, 2016

Thursday, December 15, 2016

Left the truck stop very early this morning and arrived in Pueblo, Colorado to load just as they opened the gate.  Perfect timing!! Loaded a steel thing that is going 39 miles up the road to a power plant in Fountain, Colorado.

This is the widest load I've had so far at 18 feet (5.48 meters).  Just in case you forgot (or didn't know) widest legal is 8 feet 6 inches (2.62 meters) wide. That is the width of the trailer.  Had two escorts (pilot cars) going up.  Took forever to get unloaded at the power plant.  They didn't know we were coming.  There was two other trucks bringing stuff up there.  Mine was the biggest piece. Finally got empty and went to the Love's truck stop in Pueblo, CO for the night.  Tomorrow I head for Dallas for a load Monday morning.

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Yesterday afternoon I got my next load.  It is for Thursday morning up in Pueblo, Colorado.  Just after midnight this morning I left for Colorado.  Here are a couple pictures of Arizona scenery that I took the other day but forgot to post.

As I came into Albuquerque, New Mexico a Ferrari pulled in front of me.  Don't see those every day.

There were two hot air balloons up this morning.  One of them went right over my head while I was at a red light.  I could see the expressions on their faces as they went over.

Stopped for the night, when I ran out of hours, at a small truck stop in Trinidad, Colorado.  686 miles (1104 km) today.

Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Monday, December 12, 2016

Monday, December 12, 2016

This morning I drove the rest of the way to the Caterpillar Proving Ground in Green Valley, Arizona.  Got there a little before noon local time.  Unloaded the dozer.  Didn't have another load yet so I went to the TTT Truck Stop in Tucson to wait.  Kinda glad not to have another load yet 'cus my back is bothering me again this afternoon.  Glad to lay down for a while.