Thursday, December 15, 2016

Thursday, December 15, 2016

Left the truck stop very early this morning and arrived in Pueblo, Colorado to load just as they opened the gate.  Perfect timing!! Loaded a steel thing that is going 39 miles up the road to a power plant in Fountain, Colorado.

This is the widest load I've had so far at 18 feet (5.48 meters).  Just in case you forgot (or didn't know) widest legal is 8 feet 6 inches (2.62 meters) wide. That is the width of the trailer.  Had two escorts (pilot cars) going up.  Took forever to get unloaded at the power plant.  They didn't know we were coming.  There was two other trucks bringing stuff up there.  Mine was the biggest piece. Finally got empty and went to the Love's truck stop in Pueblo, CO for the night.  Tomorrow I head for Dallas for a load Monday morning.

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