Friday, February 22, 2019

Friday, February 22, 2019

My truck was finished at Kenworth so I went over there and brought it back to the Daily shop.  The did some more work on it.  This afternoon I took it over to the tire shop for some tires.  Finally all the work on it is done!!  But too late for a load today so I have to wait until Monday.  I still have the hotel until Monday so I'll camp out in the hotel until then.

Thursday, February 21, 2019

Thursday, February 21, 2019

First thing this morning my truck was back in the Daily shop.  I got the pick up again and went for breakfast and another Walmart trip.  When I got back they told me that my truck had to go to Kenworth.  They found a transmission leak and an air leak from a valve block that only Kenworth could fix.  I took my truck over to KW and dropped it off.  There was another Daily truck there that needed to come back so I brought it back.  Had someone drop me off at a hotel where I'll be for a few days.  Not sure when it will be ready.  Might be tomorrow, might not.  We'll see.

Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Started snowing just as I was pulling my truck into the bay for them to service it.  Snowed hard all morning and built up fast on the roads. While they worked on my truck I got the company pick up truck and went for breakfast, shower, and laundromat.  Washed all my heavy blankets and comforter. Roads were really bad by this time.  Plows not able to keep up.  Went back to the yard and put my stuff back into the truck.  Then took another driver to Walmart.  We both needed to get our prescriptions refilled and do some shopping.  I was almost out of Mt. Dew, crisis averted!! The pick up truck did not have snow tires and was not four wheel drive.  Driving was really fun!!  I love a good challenge like that.  When we got back another driver took the pick up to get lunch.  When he got back, I went out for lunch too.  By the time I finished lunch I had a massive headache.  This afternoon they finished working on my truck for today and I took it back outside for the night.  The snow had stopped and had changed to freezing rain.  We got about 6 inches of snow. With my headache still raging I went to sleep.  Woke up around 8 pm and my headache was gone!!!  Still a little freezing rain outside.  Everything covered in a thick coating of ice.  Just walking across the street to get dinner was a real challenge staying upright.  Tomorrow they will finish working on my truck in the shop.  Then I'll go to the tire shop for new tires. 

Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Tuesday, February 19, 2019

As soon as the Harrisburg curfew was over I left this morning.  Here is the route the State of Pennsylvania sent me on...

The route wasn't too bad except for a few spots.  Here is one of those spots.  Had to take a short detour for construction.  Here it is...

Here is a time lapse video of the detour...

Remember when you watch these I am wider than the travel lane and 82 feet long.  You can see the full video of the route in real time here...

Then I went through a narrow construction zone a little later on.  Here is a time lapse video of that...

I finally made it to Bensalem and delivered the excavator.  After that I returned to the "home office" in Carlisle, PA.  When I got  there I swapped into a different trailer.  Unfortunately the guy that had the trailer last left all his stuff on it. I had to unload all his stuff before I could transfer all my stuff to it.  That was a lot of work!!  Tomorrow the shop will be doing a bunch of preventative maintenance on my truck.  Picked a good day to do it.  Supposed to get about 4 inches of snow then it will turn into an ice storm before it changes to rain.  Big weather mess tomorrow.

Monday, February 18, 2019

Monday, February 18, 2019

Timed it this morning so that I would get to the Virginia state line at sunrise.  Pretty uneventful day.  Picked up my Maryland escort at the state line.  12 miles later when I entered Pennsylvania he dropped off and I continued on.  Stopped for the night at the Flying J truck stop in Carlisle, Pennsylvania.