Friday, December 2, 2022

Friday, December 2, 2022

 Left well before sunrise this morning.  In Tennessee, I could drive at night but could not get to Georgia before a half hour after sunrise.  Well, I timed it perfectly.  I arrived at the Georgia state line exactly a half hour after sunrise.  Didn't have any traffic issues at all today.  Didn't rain either.   That was nice.  Drove all the way to Jacksonville and delivered the dump truck.  Boy, that thing is fun to drive!!!  My next load is Monday in Pooler, Georgia.  I'll be at the Daily yard in Jacksonville until Sunday.  I'll head up there then.  604 miles today.  I'm really tired.  Good night.

Thursday, December 1, 2022

Thursday, December 1, 2022

 I left a half hour before sunrise this morning.  Pretty good day on the road.  Lost about 45 minutes in construction bumper-to-bumper traffic just north of the Tennessee state line in Kentucky.  Made it around Nashville without much difficulty.  Stopped for the night at the TA truck stop in Antioch, Tennessee. Supposed to rain tomorrow.  Goodie!!!

Wednesday, November 30, 2022

Tuesday, November 29, 2022

 Hit the road at 1 AM CST.  Drove to East Peoria, Illinois, and delivered the engines.  When I started out today the temperature was in the mid-50s and windy.  By the time I got up to Illinois, it was very windy and temperatures were in the low-20s.  My next load was up in Sugar Grove, Illinois, about 2 1/2 hours away.  Drove up there and loaded something I have not moved before, a Terramac RT14-R Dump Truck that is going to Jacksonville, Florida.  

Left there and drove to the TA truck stop in Morris, Illinois.  Ran out of time.  567 miles today. 

Here is an internet photo of what one of these trucks does.

Tuesday, November 29, 2022

Monday, November 29, 2022

 Was at Caterpillar at 7 AM EST.  First in line and first in to load.  Loaded five Caterpillar engines that are going to East Peoria, Illinois.  

Left there and headed north.  Some slow traffic in Atlanta, but not bad.  Started raining in Nashville but no traffic problems.  The rain slowed down a lot by the time I got to Kentucky.  Drove to the Flying J truck stop in Oak Grove, Kentucky for my 10 hours.

Monday, November 28, 2022

Monday, November 28, 2022

 I had a load that was supposed to load in South Carolina on Tuesday but it got canceled.  The receiver in Ohio couldn't get a crane.  So I got another load for tomorrow in Griffin, Georgia.  This morning I drove to the TA in Jackson, Georgia for the night.  My loading appointment is for 8 AM tomorrow.