Friday, March 17, 2017

Friday, March 17, 2017

Left at 9 am this morning when the OKC curfew was over.  Drove up to a power plant in Red Rock, Oklahoma.  Sat there for 3 hours before they unloaded me.

After that drove back to Oklahoma City to the Daily yard.  had a couple trailer lights replaced then dropped my trailer there.  Since I don't have another load yet, I went over to the Petro for the rest of the weekend.

Thursday, March 16, 2017

Thursday, March 16, 2017

Well, today picked up where yesterday left off.  Within the first ten miles this morning I got stuck in more bumper to bumper traffic.  This time two semi trucks tangled and blocked 2 of the 3 lanes.  Sat in that traffic for an hour and a half.

Then up to Dallas and more bumper to bumper traffic.  North of Dallas, passed another crash.  This time it was on the other side.  This one was pretty serious.  Fortunately I made it through there before they shut down the Interstate for the medical helicopter.

Because of all those delays I didn't make the Oklahoma City curfew.  Stopped for the night at the Riverwind Casino in Normal, Oklahoma.  While doing my post trip inspection I found a screw in one of my trailer tires.

Road service came down from OKC and fixed my tire.

And here is what was in my tire.

When that was all finished I went over to the casino and ate dinner at the prime rib buffet.  It was very good!!  

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Went the rest of the way to Laredo this morning and got there just before they opened.  Loaded a transformer that is going to a power plant in Red Rock, Oklahoma.  I'm about 102,000 pounds (46,226 kg) and 14 feet 6 inches high (4.41 meters).

Left there and spent a lot of the day in bumper to bumper traffic!!  Was fine until I got to San Antonio.  Took forever to get around there.  Then up to Austin and more B2B traffic.  Here is the cause of one of the worst back ups.

Even north of Austin the traffic was still horrible.  Needless to say, I didn't get as far as I wanted to today.  Stopped for the night at the Flying J truck stop in Jarrell, Texas.

Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Left at 1 am and drove down to Laredo, TX.  Got there to the Flying J truck stop at about 7 am, had breakfast, then went to sleep.

Monday, March 13, 2017

Monday, March 13, 2017

Got up early this morning and had the truck serviced.  After that went over to the Daily yard in Houston and got my trailer.  Then went over and delivered the wheel loader.  When empty I went back to the truck stop in Baytown, TX.  My next load is Wednesday in Laredo, Texas.  I'll go down there tomorrow.

"Y'ALL are NOT going believe what just happened!! I was at the truck stop and after fueling I ran inside to pick up a few items. I had to pass but the gas pumps for cars when I noticed two police officers looking at this woman who was smoking while pumping her gas. I was like, "What in the world is she thinking!?"...with the police right there too!
I went in picked up my items and as I was checking out I heard someone screaming. I looked outside and the girl's arm was on fire!! She was running and waving her arm around and just going crazy.
The police threw her to the ground and put the fire out. When I walked back out, the officers had handcuffs on her and were about to put her in the back of the car and I was thinking, "Seriously! Wasn't catching on fire enough of a consequence??"
Feeling brave I asked the policeman what he was arresting her for.
He looked me dead in the eye and said, ......."For waving a Firearm in public."........"