Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Left this morning just before sunrise this morning.  Today it was ALL up and down through the mountains.  Went past Devil's Tower (sort of).  Can see it from I-90 off in the distance.  Here are a few pictures of the view in Wyoming.  If you want to look it up, I was on I-90 west bound.

Only saw one Pronghorn today.  last time I came through here they were all over the place.

Internet Photo
Then in Wyoming went up a little higher and the views were even better.  Unfortunately the photos don't do it justice, but here are some anyway. 

 And through Bozemam Pass.  Stopped for the night at a truck stop in Whitehall, Montana.  While doing my post trip inspection I found that I had  flat tire on the truck.  Went next door to a repair shop and they came over and fixed it.

Here is where the leak was.  This view is the inside of the tire.

And here is the culprit!

It is all fixed and I'm ready to go tomorrow morning.  I should be able to deliver tomorrow.

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