Monday, June 8, 2015

Monday, June 8, 2015

My loading appointment was not until 1 pm local time but I went over a bit early.  On the way went over  the Red River on I-220 in Bossier City, LA.  Here is a picture I was able to snap off going past a submerged mobile home park.

Here is a view going over the bridge leading up to the Red River.

Below is an edited video of driving on I-220 east bound. At the very beginning of the video notice the crane off to the right.  It is half under water.

When I got to where I was to load I was told that the building that I was supposed to get left about two hours ago.  Once again, that "black cloud" is still there.  After a few phone calls and waiting a couple hours They decided that the other truck that had my building shouldn't have it so they called him and sent him back. I'm very glad I went over early!!!  

At 3 pm local time they said that he was still too far out to unload and reload today.  I dropped my trailer there and went to a small truck stop a couple miles away for the night.

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