Friday, January 18, 2019

Friday, January 18, 2019

As soon as my 10 hours was up I left.  Fog and slight rain until after the sun came up.  After a while it cleared up and was beautiful.  That didn't last very long because the clouds rolled back in.  Nothing fell from the sky though.  That was a good thing.  Got back to Carlisle at 2 pm.  550 miles today.  Then had to take  the jeep off the trailer that I brought back because I needed to use it.  Got that done.  Then it was time to put together my trailer so that I can load.  Fortunately I had a lot of help.  Got that trailer all put together then loaded a Sandvik Crusher.  It was already at the Daily yard in Carlisle, PA waiting for me.  All we did was load it.  I'll secure it tomorrow morning.  Here is what it looks like tonight.  I'm a "46 wheeler"!!

I'll have better photos tomorrow.  Right now I'm exhausted!!!!!!  Going to bed now.  Good night.

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