Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

After a full nights sleep my back felt a lot better, although not great.  I'm also getting the flu, it seems.  Going through facial tissue like crazy!!  I'm also eating Cold Eeze like candy to try to keep it from getting a good foothold on me.  Hope it works.  Left the Oasis a half hour before sunrise this morning with my escort car close behind.  When I crossed into Mississippi he dropped off as I continued on.  Stopped for the night at a crappy little Exon station in Friendship, Tennessee.  It is a convenience store with some truck parking.  The inside was disgusting!!  Fortunately there is a Dollar store right next to it.  I went there and bought stuff for dinner.  I'll get started early tomorrow morning.  I have another escort car meeting me at the Kentucky line.   Oh, by the way, here is a photo of the hub I have.

Going to sleep early again.  Sure hope I feel better tomorrow.  Good night.

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