Monday, November 25, 2019

Monday, November 25, 2019

Was at the GE plant in Pensacola early this morning. Didn't get loaded right away.  There were over 15 trucks there.  Finally got loaded with a wind energy hub that is going to South Dakota.  Tarped it and sent in my photos.  The tarp I used was not big enough for our people, even though every other truck in there used a tarp that was 1/10 the size of the one I used.  Had to take the tarp off and put on a bigger on to make everyone happy (except me, but I don't count). By the time I finished I could hardly move.  My back is in so much pain.  My escort car arrived and we left.   Didn't go very far.  Stopped for the night at the Oasis truck stop in Robertsdale, Alabama.  Had a long hot shower.  That helped, but not much.  Staying in bed the rest of the night.  Sure hope I feel better in the morning.  Back pain really sucks!!

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