Tuesday, April 19, 2022

Tuesday, April 19, 2022

 My new paperwork didn't come in until about 11:30, their lunchtime.  I got fuel then drove over to the Port, picked up my trailer, and waited for them to come back from lunch at 1.  I was first in line when they came back.  Got checked in then waited another hour for them to tell me where to unload it.  I finally got it off my trailer.  Then went to another place in the Port to pick up my next load.  Checked in then went looking for my tractors, I was getting two.  I found the first one and brought it over to my truck.  Then went looking for the other one.  Couldn't find it so I got in the first tractor and drove around the Port looking for it.  Found it.  Took it over to my truck then went back and got the first tractor again.  Loaded them on my trailer. One is going to Williamsport, Indiana, and the other to Kings, Illinois.

It was pretty late by now so I went back to the TA for the night.

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