Monday, March 7, 2011

Monday, March 7, 2011

Slept in this morning and got a late start. Felt good.  Once I got out of Utah the weather deteriorated pretty quick.  Started off with snow flurries.

Then it snowed real hard.

It snowed pretty much all the way through Wyoming. A few times it changed to rain, but most of the time it was snow.  The plows did a good job keeping the road clear.  When I got to Boise it was all rain. 

When I crossed into Oregon it was really weird.  The sky's cleared up and eventually it was sunny.  Went passed a sign:

Went over the top and this was the view:

The other side of the guard rail is straight down 1,500 feet.  Really cool!!

Stopped for the night in Union Gap, Washington at a truck stop.

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