Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Didn't sleep well last night.  Went back early to get my trailer.  A little after a half hour before sunrise I left.  Had to get out of Garden City before 7 am. That is when curfew starts.  Did good on the road.  Drove up to the staging area at the Sac & Fox Truck Stop in Powhattan, KS.  When I checked in he told me that I might be here a while, he didn't have a pad for me yet.  There are 2 other hubs here ahead of me.  After a short nap I went to dinner with the drivers that had the other hubs.  One of them said he had just talked to the guy and was optimistic that we would get unloaded tomorrow.  Lets hope so!!  After dinner a quick trip to Wal Mart.  Was getting low on Mt. Dew.    There are 4 blades, a nacelle, a tower, and 3 hubs in here now.  

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