Friday, March 2, 2012

Friday, March 2, 2012

Left early this morning and had a pretty good day on the road.  Misty rain on and off most of the morning. 

East of Indianapolis the weather hit.  Had heavy rain and a short bit of pea sized hail.  Going around Indianapolis still had heavy rain.  Then had nickle sized hail.  I pulled off the road under an overpass to protect my windshield.  Several cars did too.  One IDIOT!!  - and I really would love to know what was going through this moron's mind - STOPPED right in the middle of the interstate under the overpass.  In the center lane!!   Just stopped and sat there.  A semi truck came up behind him and almost PLOWED that fool into next week.  He was so lucky that the driver of that truck was able to stop in time.  He was just inches - and I really do mean inches - from that idiots back bumper.  The hail didn't last long and I was back on my way again. 

West of Indianapolis it cleared up and the sun was out.  When I drove into Illinois the sun was gone again and it was very overcast.  The wind had picked up.  Misty rain returned for a little while.  But the cross wind was really something.  The National Weather Service said that it was 20 to 30 mph sustained with gusts up to 45 mph.  I was hit by a few of those gusts!!  Like getting hit broadside by a train!!. 

Stopped for the night at the TA truck stop in Bloomington, Illinois.

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