Monday, April 8, 2019

Monday, April 8, 2019

Went over to the Port of Pensacola first thing this morning.  Went right in and got loaded right away. Loaded a GE Wind Energy Hub that is going to Crowell, Texas.

Was ready to go as soon as the Pensacola curfew was over at 9 am.  Much faster than loading at the GE plant.  I just barely beat the thunderstorm, but not the rain.  I was soaked when I left there.   My pilot escort car was waiting for me at the gate and pulled in behind me as I came out.  Spent most of the day on back roads.  For some reason the stupid States did not want me on the Interstate highways.  The other two that loaded when I did were routed on the Interstates, but not me!!  Stopped for the night at the TA truck stop in Tallulah, Louisiana.  Will start a little bit late tomorrow.  Can't go into Monroe, LA until after 9 am.

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