Monday, November 29, 2010

Monday, November 29, 2010

Left Flagstaff this morning.  The snow plows were still out working on the roads and doing a good job.  The roads were pretty good.  After I came down off the mountain the snow was gone and the roads were clear.  Drove into Prescott and delivered their stuff first thing.  Left there and got into the middle of Prescott and found out that the way I wanted to go was not a truck route so I had to turn around and go back.  While I was turning in the middle of a intersection the air line to the trailer broke and the trailer brakes locked up.  Oh goodie!!  Of course, right in the middle of an intersection at rush hour.  So I dragged the trailer around the corner leaving a lot of rubber on the road.  Stopped in the road blocking one lane.  Got out the trusty duct tape and taped the hell out of the line just barely enough to get the breaks to release and drive to a NAPA store just down the street from where I delivered.  Got a new air line and replaced it.  25 degrees and windy. I was frozen stiff when I finished.  At least it wasn't raining!! 

The route I had to go made me go through Phoenix, about 100 miles out of the way.  Drove past the University of Phoenix Stadium, where the Phoenix Cardinals play.

Drove into California and delivered the last of this load at Palm Desert.  Then went to the TA truck stop in Coachella on I-10 for the night.

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