Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Left Memphis, Texas this morning and drove up through New Mexico then into Colorado.  Passed a heard of elk (at least I think they were elk).  They were closer to the road but I spooked them.  Glad they ran that way!

Then I started to get snow flurries.  Then I started to go up.  At the 8300 foot level of the mountain it was snowing pretty good.  Fortunately I went back down the other side before it got too bad.  Here is a photo of going down the other side. 

After that the sun came out and it was real nice for the rest of the day. 

Went through Denver and passed Tim Tebo's new home, Invesco Field at Mile High.

Then into Wyoming.  Stopped for the night at the Petro truck stop in Laramie, Wyoming.  Seems like I was just here.  Oh, that's right!  I was!!

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