Monday, January 3, 2011

Monday, January 3, 2011

Drove up to Independence, Kansas this morning.  It was only 35 miles up the road.  When I got there they didn't know how they were going to get this thing off the trailer.  Waited all day till they figured it out.  Finally backed into the building to unload.  That was fun.  The doorway was 12 feet wide and so was the load.  Wiggled it and used a little KY Jelly (just kidding about the KY Jelly) and got it in there.   That was the tightest doorway  I have backed into so far.   Don't think it can get any tighter.  About a quarter inch clearance on each side.  What made it even more interesting was that I did it blind.  Could not see because my mirrors didn't stick out far enough to see back there.  They lifted the thing off and I pulled back out with an empty trailer.  Too late to get another load today, and that was fine with me.  This head cold has kicked in good today and zapped my energy.  Drove around the corner to a small convenience store with a few spaces to park big trucks. Staying there for the night.  Walked across the street to Wal-Mart and restocked my Puffs tissue supply since I'm going through them pretty fast.  Also got some cold medicine and chicken soup. Feels good to lay down. 

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