Saturday, February 26, 2011

Friday, February 25, 2011

Drove down into Gordonsville, VA and delivered the first part of the load.  Then drove down to Newport News, VA and delivered the rest of it.  It was so windy there the waves in the bay looked like ocean waves. Was not able to roll up my tarp. It is in a big ball strapped down on the trailer.  Where I delivered in Newport News was at a coal facility of some kind.  Coal comes in by rail and off loaded and sent up conveyor belts some place.  There was piles of coal everywhere.  Coal mud everywhere too!!   It had just stopped raining. Everything was black.  Saw an interesting way that they empty the rail cars.  They bring them into this building and they are spun upside down, rather quickly, to empty them.  Really cool to see that. 

As I was leaving heading toward my next load, I looked across the bay to see what Navy ships were there.  Saw two carriers and a bunch of other ships.  One other ship really stood out.  The USS New York was in port.  You just can't miss that profile.  Norfolk, VA is it's home port.  Here is a photo of it I got off the Internet.

Drove up to Petersburg, VA to a steel plant for my next load.  My appointment was for 7 pm so I had a little time to kill.  At 6:30 pm I was there and got loaded.  8 fifty foot steel "I" beams going to Boca Raton, FL.  I'll have photos tomorrow, too dark tonight to get any.  After that I drove down to the Petro truck stop in Kenly, NC for the night.

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