Monday, February 28, 2011

Monday, February 28, 2011

Left Seville at 4 am and drove down to Boca Raton to deliver.  The job site is at least 15 miles west of Boca right on the edge of the Everglades out in the middle of nowhere.  Arrived at 8:45 am and got in line to get unloaded.  There was 5 trucks ahead of me in the staging area.  From what I was hearing, to unload we have to go down another dirt road and then back down another dirt road about 2 miles.  When I got to the "on deck circle" the guy that was escorting the trucks down to unload told me to pull around the corner and park.  I was loaded with "I" beams and that there was another "I" beam truck back in line someplace.  We were going to have to be unloaded last. 

The other trucks had this on board:

So I parked and waited.

At 5 pm the guy came and said that they would not be able to unload us today and that they would unload us first thing in the morning.  Said that I could drop my trailer and go find a place for the night.  Well, in south Florida there are not that many places to park and I was not about to drive 30 to 50 miles one way and waste all that fuel.  I told him "Bull$#*&!!  I was not moving!!!  I lost a lot of money sitting here all day and I'm not moving!!" The others did drop their trailers and left.  I did not!  As you might be able to tell, I'm not a happy camper!!  So I am spending the night here.  We will see what happens tomorrow.  The saga continues......

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