Saturday, February 5, 2011

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Slept in a little bit today to give the roads a chance to de-ice.  Got on the road at dawn .  The trees were still ice covered.  Still very pretty.  Tried to get a photo of them but it was still too dark and it didn't come out very good.  By the time the sun had come up enough to get a photo the ice had melted off the trees.  The roads were still icy in many places.  Didn't get too bad until Shreveport, LA.  Then they weren't too good.

Here is I-20 almost at the Louisiana / Texas line.

Little did I know that the worst was yet to come.

About 40 miles east of Dallas it got real bad.  LOTS of ice on the road.  Traffic slowed to bumper to bumper all the way to Dallas.  There were cars spun out all over.  Trucks jack knifed, it was a total mess.  No salt and very little sand on the road.  The ice was 1 inch thick in most places.  It took several hours to get to Dallas.

Once I got past Dallas the roads improved.  It also warmed up a lot.  Drove up to Amarillo, Texas to the Petro truck stop for the rest of the weekend.  The weather is supposed to get bad again tonight and maybe tomorrow.  Expecting 1 to 2 inches of snow.  We shall see.

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