Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Tuesday, May 31,2011

Got started early today.  Drove into Searsmont, Maine and delivered the natural gas compressor.  Drove way back down a narrow, up and down, twisty-turny road to get in and out of there.  Very pretty scenery here.  After that, I drove over to Union, Maine and delivered the tractor.  Finished that and drove to Bloomfield, CT to the Home Depot Distribution Center.  My appointment was not until tomorrow morning at 10 am but I played dumb (easy for me to do)  and was able to get in and unloaded today.  I got lucky!!  That hardly ever happens at distribution centers.  They make appointments and stick to the schedule, period! And don't EVER be late!!  They may not unload you for a couple days if you are late. Wal-Mart is notorious for that.  Anyway, I'm empty now!!   Drove down to one of the only truck stops in Connecticut in Milldale at the TA truck stop.  Made it just in time.  I got here at 4 pm and got one of the very few parking spots left.  I really don't like coming to the north east.  It is so crowded and expensive!!  Nothing is "truck friendly" up here.

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