Monday, July 25, 2011

Monday, July 25, 2011

Went over to the pipe yard 12 miles west of Williston, ND and delivered the pipe.  It is really something out here.  Just like the "gold rush" in the old days.  This is the "drilling rush".  There are oil and gas wells all over out here.  They are laying miles and miles of natural gas pipe lines under ground.  There are pipe yards set up all over with hundreds, if not thousands, of sections of 50 foot pipe in there.  There are "man camps" set up all over the place with hundreds of workers living in them.  Its really something.

My next load is tomorrow morning in Hebron, ND.  Drove to a convenience store parking lot off I-94 at exit 84 in Richardton, ND for the night. Weather forcast is for heavy duty thunder storms tonight around midnight. Should be an interesting evening.

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