Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Went into Fargo, ND this morning and loaded a New Holland 190 Wheel Loader.  It is going to the Port of Baltimore and then on a boat to San Antonio, Chile.

Got on the road pretty quick, for a change.  The fall colors are pretty much gone in Fargo.  They were almost gone all the way through Minnesota too.  BUT they are peeking in central Wisconsin.  Great colors.  Unfortunately the weather didn't cooperate for photos.  It was dark and overcast all day with periods of light rain.  Tried to take some photos but there was just not enough light for them to show the colors very well.

Hope the sun comes out tomorrow.  Theres always tomorrow.  It's only a day away!

Stopped for the night at the Petro truck stop in Portage, Wisconsin.

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