Monday, December 10, 2012

Monday, December 10, 2012

This morning I still didn't have a load yet so I spent the morning at the Jacksonville Landing.

There was a middle school marching band there playing Christmas music.  For a middle school, they were pretty good.

The owner of the Jacksonville Jaguars, Shahid Khan, has his yacht Kismet docked at the Landing. It is HUGE and GORGEOUS !  

Built in Germany in 2007, the yacht is 223 feet long and powered by three Caterpillar engines.  It can cruise at 42 knots.  He is selling it right now so, if you are interested, it is $112 million.  If that is a little steep you can charter it for a mere $600,000 a week PLUS expenses.

Finally got a load this afternoon.  It loads tomorrow morning in Ocala.  Drove to the Petro truck stop north of Ocala for the night.

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