Saturday, October 5, 2013

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Left Denton, TX before sunrise this morning.  Rained the rest of the way in Texas.  In Oklahoma it stopped raining and eventually became sunny, cool, and very windy.  After driving several hours in the wind, the tarp on the back half of the load blew half way off so I had to stop and take it the rest of the way off, fold it, and roll it up and put it away.  Did that in the median!!  It was the only place I could stop.  Remember, with a heavy load you can't just pull over.  Have to find a place to stop that can support the weight and also does not block any part of the travel lane.   In this case the shoulder was not wide enough so I used a paved "U" turn area in the median to stop.  After that fiasco was over I had a nice drive up to a convenience store with a few truck parking spaces in Alva, Oklahoma.  Deliver just a few miles from here.  Have all the windows open and letting the cool wind blow through.  Gonna be good sleeping tonight!!  But now it's FOOTBALL TIME!!!!


(3-2, 0-1 SEC)
#18 Florida

(3-1, 2-0 SEC)

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