Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Was up and on the road at 3:30 this morning. Drove to the "home office" Daily yard in Carlisle, PA and changed to a step deck trailer.  That took 2 hours.  Then drove back up to Wilkes-Barre (spelled correctly this time), PA and loaded a Caterpillar CS56B Roller.  

Then drove another 2 1/2 hours north into the middle of nowhere, Pennsylvania to a town called Mansfield.  Mostly a two lane road full of big hills and curves.  Most of it was only 45 mph.  Then there was a zillion small towns to go through at 25 mph.  Each one had a stop light and, of course, I got most of them red.  Finally got there and loaded an air compressor and four light plants.  It was a very tight squeeze, but finally got it all on and secured.  Finished right at sunset and, for a change, just before the rain.

Another night where having a shower and kitchen in the truck pays off.  I love this truck!! By the time I finished I was out of hours , not to mention being exhausted.  Spent the night right there in their parking lot.  Then it's off to Orlando, Florida where all these things are going.

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