Friday, February 21, 2014

Friday, February 21, 2014

Left the Flying J early this morning.  Very good day on the road.  Sunny blue sky, light traffic, and great scenery.  All back roads, no interstate highways today.  

Stopped for the night at The Big Texan restaurant in Amarillo, Texas.  I love this place!  The food is always great!!

A long time ago, before I knew I could park here, I had the limo pick me up at the TA truck stop on the other side of  interstate 40.

I ordered the 25 oz. rib eye steak. Here he is preparing it.

Throwing it on the grill.

It arrived at my table.  Doesn't that look good?

Is that a steak or what?!!!!?

Damn that was good!!  Now I'm going to bed very early so I can get started real early tomorrow and hopefully get there to deliver this crap. Good night, fat and happy!!

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