Saturday, March 1, 2014

Saturday, March 1, 2014

Went over to deliver this morning.  Delivery was scheduled for 9 am.  When I got there they said that they couldn't unload until after 12. The job site was at a bank that is open until noon.  The crane has to set up in front of the drive through lanes so it was not due to arrive until noon.  So I settled in for a bit of a wait.  Nice place to wait on the side of the road in front of the bank.  

The crane and two support trucks arrived at 11:30.  They had to be here before noon too.  In Florida 'oversize loads' can't be on the roads after noon on Saturday. When finished they will have to leave the crane here until Monday morning.

As soon as the bank closed we got started.  First they went around back and unloaded a generator.  After that was done they came back around front and set up to unload me.   That took a couple hours.

This is the driveway I backed in.  If you look close you can see the crane backed in. It is that yellow thing that you can see just over the tops of the bushes.

Here I am backed in ready to unload.  You can see the guys on top of the building waiting for the building.

They attached the crane to the building and lifted it to the roof.  I pulled out.  A few minutes later one of the guys came to me and said that they attached the brackets upside down and had to put the building back on the trailer and flip the brackets.  I backed up again and down came the building.  They flipped the brackets, lifted the building again, and I pulled out and didn't stop this time.  I kept going all the way back to the Daily yard in Jacksonville.  I'll be home for a few days.

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