Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Monday, July 7, 2014

Got started at 6 am local time.  The contractors showed up a little after that.  They started by cutting off all the damaged metal then went for supplies.  When they returned they got started on the other truck.  They finished his truck at about 4 pm local time.  When they started on my truck, we took his truck over to the Petro shop to see if they could put the tarps on top of the load with their fork lift.  We also wanted to pull inside the shop to apply the tarps.  The wind had picked up again.  They put the tarps up for us but they were too busy to let us have a bay.  They were all in use.  So we put the tarps on in the wind.  Almost lost them 3 times. It was very hard and exhausting work but we got it done.  Then went back to my truck.  They were not finished with it yet.  When they finished this is how it looked.

We went back to the Petro shop to do it again.  This time we were able to get inside the bay.  They put the tarps up and we secured them.  Went a lot faster and easier inside not fighting the wind.  

Parked back out in the Petro parking lot for the night.  Finished at about 10:30 pm local time.  I'm so exhausted I can hardly move.  Took a shower and now going to bed.

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