Monday, August 4, 2014

Monday, August 4, 2014

I started off the day just great!!   Had a flat tire.  So I couldn't leave when I wanted to.  Waited until 7 am for the repair shop to open so they could fix it.  Had a bad valve stem fixed and I was back on the road.  Unfortunately much later than I wanted.

Took my detour today.  237 miles to go around 135 miles of I-40.  There was absolutely no reason that I couldn't have traveled that route on Saturday.  It was quite a journey!  A lot of it was up and down and twists and turns.  The road was bumpy too.  A lot of it was driving around the rim of a mini Grand Canyon.  Some guard rail in places and other places, no guard rail with a drop straight down a long, long way.  It took 5 hours and 15 minutes to get back to I-40.

Here is a patch of a lava field along I-40 in New Mexico.

Stopped for the night at the TA truck stop in Moriarty, NM.  That is east of Albuquerque. 

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