Thursday, September 4, 2014

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Left Denton very early this morning and drove up to the Daily yard in Oklahoma City, dropped off the step deck trailer and got my trailer back.  It is so good to have it back!!!  I really missed it.  From there I went up to Hennessey, Oklahoma and loaded a "Control Building" and a valve.  There were supposed to be two valves going but when they were loading it they dropped it off the side of the trailer.  Did major damage to it.  Needless to say, it didn't go with me.  A very expensive mistake on their part.  I have no idea what the control building is for, all I know is that little building is worth $200,000 and it is going to Chicago.

Left there and zig-zaged my way through Oklahoma, but didn't make it out before I ran out of hours.  Stopped for the night at a small truck stop in Wyandotte, OK.

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