Monday, March 2, 2015

Monday, March 2, 2015

Went in to Burr Ridge, IL and delivered the Gradall.  Pulled in and all the way around the building where they said to unload.  After unloading I started to leave but couldn't get out.  The exit was too small for my truck.  I had to back all the way around the building  and back out the way I came in.

In the photo below, the blue arrows show the way I went in.  The blue "X" is where I unloaded.  The red arrow shows where I tried to go out but couldn't.  I backed out the way I went in.

Also remember that the entire area was snow covered and the driveway was packed snow, which was really ice.  There were snow/ice banks all around and on the sides of the road and driveway.  There were also a lot more machines in there than what is pictured.  It was cramped in there.  I did not have anyone behind me guiding me either.

I don't have another load yet so I went to the TA truck stop in Morris, Illinois to wait.  More weather is on the way.  Supposed to get rain/ice mess tonight.  They are saying that tomorrow morning rush hour is going to be a real mess.

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