Monday, June 1, 2015

Monday, June 1, 2015

It looked a little better this morning for getting unloaded.  At 11 am local time, (Mountain Daylight Time) they came and got us!!  Had to wait for a nacelle to get unloaded first. A nacelle weighs 112,000 pounds.  For more information on GE Wind Energy, click here.

After that was done I got unloaded.  I only needed one crane.  My hub weighs 59,000 pounds.  Finally empty!!!

Don't have another load lined up yet (because of the uncertainty of when I would get unloaded) so I went east to the TA truck stop in Oakley, Kansas.  

After dinner and a shower I came back to the truck to find this parked next to me.

For those of you that don't know, that is one of NOAA's mobile Doppler weather radar that the tornado chasers use.  They go to areas where they have strong indications of the potential for tornado activity.  Since I am in the heart of "tornado ally" I always expect to see these when I'm out here. Fortunately, there is nothing expected here tonight.  For more information on the NOAA truck, click here.

Sprint internet still sucks here so no camera.

I found this video.  It is excellent.  It is the construction of a wind energy turbine.  It is not a GE but the construction is the same.  CLICK HERE TO SEE.

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