Friday, July 17, 2015

Friday, July 17, 2015

Left at sunrise this morning.  Good day on the road.  Texas routed me through Dallas instead of around it.  It took over two and a half hours to get through there.  City streets filled with traffic lights and lots of traffic.  Of course I got 3/4's of them red, and some of them I even got red twice!!  The last 1/3 of Dallas was the worst.  Bumper to bumper traffic on I-35E through a lot of construction.  Lanes narrowed.  Try doing that with a load wider than the lanes without taking off anyone's mirrors - or worse.  Stopped for the night at the TA truck stop in Denton, Texas.   I'm exhausted again.  Didn't even go in.  Showered in the truck and cooked dinner. Too pooped to walk in there. Going to sleep early tonight.  

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