Saturday, August 29, 2015

Saturday, August 29, 2015

Half hour after sunrise I got started and drove all the way around Washington DC and into Arlington and delivered.  Was out of there in 45 minutes.  Then drove up to the Daily yard in Baltimore to swap back into my trailer.  Everything was going so smooth.  No bumper to bumper traffic at all.  Got to the yard and swapped my equipment over to my trailer.  Then went to hook up to my trailer and that is when it all caught up with me.

As I backed up under my trailer it high sided again.  Took a long time to get it back out from under there.  Of course it broke the cylinder again.

Went to a parts house to get one.  They didn't have one.  Went to another that was south of the Fort McHenry Tunnel ($8.00 toll each way).  They didn't have the right one even after I called them on the phone first.  Then, being a Saturday, all the parts houses that are even open  are all closed by 1 pm.  Now I have to wait until Monday to start all over again.  Went to the TA truck stop in Baltimore for the rest of the weekend.

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